Man-slave wearing only a bow tie and g-string enters the bedroom.
He is carrying my breakfast.
One hand holds a bowl of muesli, sliced banana, prunes, blueberries, yoghurt and soy milk. The other, a mug of steaming green tea. (I know all this because I have it everyday:)
He plonks the breakfast on the bedside cabinet.
Not a word is spoken.
He then faces the heavy, mustard coloured drapes, gripping each one with his large hands.
My eyes are drawn to the tightness of his bum cheeks.
Suddenly, the drapes are forced apart.
Man-slave turns towards me.
I gasp.
His fluffy chest is gleaming in the early sun.
We have SUN!
Oh...then Man-slave leaves and I eat my breakfast.
The End!
#Yes, sadly, we have mustard coloured drapes! :(