6 January 2012

white-faced heron

The kids and I race inside when we see two white-faced herons land atop the towering tree.

By the time we grab camera, telescope and binoculars, one of them flies off, losing her head in the process.

So we wait...me with camera poised, determined to catch this one in full flight.  

But he decides it's time to preen...

And preen he does!

Every damn feather!!

Still I linger, leaning out the window, arm and neck muscles screaming.

Please, please fly.


And I chop off his legs!



Pukeko G said...

You forgot to mention his hairy armpits !! Good shots all the same thankyou. :o)>

The Happy Whisk said...

You cracked me up. Great story and pictures and then you chopped off his legs. So so funny.

Thanks for the laugh.

I'm headed to bed. Early morning tomorrow. Wishing you a wonderful day.

Cheers & Boogie Boogie.

Jane Robertson said...

I am grinning ;-))))))

I'm also jealous. Herons and owls...

These are fantastic photos - all the better for the cut-off bits and the story that goes with them. Way better than perfect photo and no crack up (as Happy Whisk says!).

dkm said...

Amen to all the previous comments (with the possible exception of PG's first one :-). All-around remarkable shots. You are a natural born photographer and storyteller, Niki.

Here's to the "cut-off bits." I love thinking of how "all a y'all's" writings sound with that lovely NZ accent. Please tell me you have them.

p.s. "All a y'all" = extreme southernism for your. Not being born here, I don't have a southern accent, but have picked up some of the phrases for fun.

Unknown said...

haha I have a very strong kiwi accent...so the Aussies told me when we went there for a holiday. :)

I think the kiwi accent is awful. My favourite would have to be the Irish. We have an Irish friend and I could listen to him all day. So funny :)