7 September 2012

Third time lucky for 
Mr and Mrs P?

I didn't tell you, but Mr and Mrs P had a second disaster in the parenthood department.

They'd built a nest in the black polythene which hangs like a hammock from the roof of the truck shed. Mrs P laid her eggs and was keeping them warm. Every now and then Mr P would fly in and take her place on the nest so she could have a break. 

I also noticed that other pigeons and birds were visiting.

Then one day I found the nest on the floor and two smashed eggs.
Mr and Mrs P were perched nearby looking very glum.

What on earth had happened this time? 

After a short period of mourning, the pair rebuilt a nest on the original ledge where Baby Pigeon was killed. Eggs were laid and Mrs P sat.

But things were still not good.
A pair of pigeon visitors decided they liked the truck shed, too!
They're darker and slimmer. Perhaps a younger couple.

They attacked Mr P constantly. He did his best to keep them away from Mrs P and even I'd rush in and shoo them. But they kept coming back.

Then, over the last few days, the new pigeons have settled. They've built a nest in the black polythene.

I bet it was them who destroyed Mrs P's nest.

At least now they're leaving her alone.

Bestie luck this time round, Mr and Mrs P.



Jane Robertson said...

Ooh, I hope you can give us regular updates Niki. The poor 'Ps' - they've had a rough time. I never thought the same species would fight like this over a nesting place. I hope both pairs can live together peaceably now.

I suppose the black polythene is nice and warm?

You are going to have a lot of baby pigeons!

I love that second photo :-)))

dkm said...

What a horrifying tale of woe! Oh the brutality of nature.

Do I understand this to mean you have TWO pigeon nests in the shed? Won't this be interesting to watch.

My most recent bluebird eggs came to naught, as well, abandoned by there parents for reason not apparent to me. You remind me that I never got back to that story in June. Maybe next post.

Pukeko G said...

You should see the fert they are leaving all over the vehicles parked in the shed for protection from the elements ! More damage from the birds on the paintwork than the sun and rain .. not a happy camper here. They do have ALL the space out and about.