25 May 2012

Baby Pigeon was murdered!

When the pigeons nested in our truck shed, several weeks ago, I thought I was so lucky. 
Every day I'd pop in and say hello. 
Mrs Pigeon would stare down at me as she sat on her egg. 
Mr Pigeon was goodness knows where. He'd disappeared after the deed was done. 

Then one night I heard cheep cheep cheep. Yay, Baby Pigeon had hatched.

I wanted to lean a ladder against the wall and take a peek. But didn't dare for fear of upsetting the works.

The noise at feeding time was incredible. I'd stand outside the shed to listen because if Mrs Pigeon saw me she'd let out a short, deep coo and Baby Pigeon would instantly go quiet.

Oh, I wish my kids were that obedient!

Yesterday, Mrs Pigeon was perched on the bracing near her nest. How strange, I thought. Next thing, she flew outside. 
I couldn't resist. I ran and grabbed the old wooden ladder.

After a shaky climb to the top, I peered into the nest. Baby Pigeon lay there...dead.

Gently, I pulled her out. I was amazed at how big she was. Nearly the size of an adult and nearly fully feathered. There was a gaping hole in her back.

Who could have done this?
Cat or Rat?

My first thought was Rat. It could have easily scuttled along the bracing. But would a rat kill a bird so big?

Next thought...Cat. 
I visualised how it could reach the nest. It would have been a nimble puss to achieve that. 

After a few tears I texted Man-slave. His reply was:

'There were cat paw prints on the bonnet of the ute.'

To avoid the frost he'd parked the ute in the shed, right under the nest. 



Today Mr and Mrs Pigeon were perched together on the power pole. 

I hope they will try again.


Jane Robertson said...

Oh, so sad. Makes me tearful. Especially Mr and Mrs just perched there, chickless. I wonder what they think, feel?? Do they feel sadness and loss - or just the biological urge to breed again?

I would have thought a cat might have brought the chick down...?

Beautifully written Niki - sad but beautiful.

Unknown said...

That's what PG said too, that a puss would have brought it down. But the nest is on a small ledge, I thought the cat would have had trouble turning around with chick in mouth and jumping down again. Maybe it was a rat. That makes it sounds worse. To think a rat could kill something like a pigeon. Eek!

Jane Robertson said...

I would wonder about rat. The kind of damage is what I would expect of a dog (but obviously wasn't a dog) rather than a cat. Think about the size of stoats and weasels and what they will tackle!

The Happy Whisk said...

I do believe they feel sadness.

We had a baby bird fall once near my house. The mom cried and cried. The baby cried and cried. I tried to help the little bird. But it died shortly after.

dkm said...

Oh no! Poor baby pigeon! Murder in the truck shed! I'll bet if you keep watching, you'll find more clues. I'm curious too about why it was left in the nest after the kill--unless Mrs Pigeon chased the perpetrator off.

Can't stop thinking about how traumatized she must have been when you found her perched nearby with her baby lying dead in the nest. I wonder all the same things Jane did.

Pukeko G said...

I didn't actually see the prints on the roof .. were on the bonnet. Hmmm. Birds are still coating my wee tractor! good piccie too :o)>

Unknown said...

oops, rechecked text and it was bonnet.

dkm said...

How fascinating that Mrs. P could shush her nestling on demand. Is it unusual for pigeons to have only one?

Ray Kay Jay said...

We used to have Wood Pidgeons on our wee farm, that would swoop over us as we lay in the grass. Curious birds... but alas we think a stoat or rat claimed her young one. I empathise.

Unknown said...

There were two eggs in the nest but one fell out. Just as well I guess, I don't know how two babies would have fit.

dkm said...

I've been surprised too at how full-sized other nestlings are when they finally fledge---and have wondered how they all fit in there.